Saturday, August 9, 2014

No bo day #3

No bo day#3 we woke up and headed down to the truck which got stuck in the mud! It took us 20 mins and 3 village people andd we knocked over a pumpkin growing thing. We headed off to the blessed home orphanage and right when i got out of the car 2 girls about 10yrs old came up to me and called me beautiful and then the one name cha lee gave me a hug! It was cute! So then we toured their orphanage. We left to go eat and then came back and all the kids jumped into the pickup truck. In all we had 23 people in one little pick was like a clown car. We got to the grace boarding school and started playing was absolute chaos 38 little kids running around! Then we passed out snacks and the kids here are so grateful every one of them said thank you and but their hands together and bowed a little. If i was in america kids would every now and then say thank you, but these are little 4yr olds and older being so polite and grateful. Anyway after snack they started playing soccer in a lot of mud which was entertaining to watch! And then after dinner and a church service we had another truck so there werent as many but in the cab of our truck we had 8 people when it usually fits 4-5. It was fun!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Busy busy day! In noh bo

The new people we met in the dorms
The same new people
The people that were in the class that i student taught at
One of the students that were in the class, she was very interested in some of my projects! Yay! :D :)
Day#2 in noh bo i woke up with a bad headach and i fell asleep with one the night before, my guess is that im dehydrated orrrr caffine withdrawl, so i went and drank some mtn dew! We took many pictures with the students here and then they had us come to their dorms and we met many more people there! Thenn we went to their christian worship (be proud whitney(: ) and then we headed back and getting up the last hill we got stuck in mud!!! So long story feet were brown from the mud. 
Me and the whole class i student taught at!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

New friends!

I met these two lovely people who lived in australia and picked up everything left their two college kids and moved to mae sot to help and be a teacher/english teacher! They had really cool accents and very interesting stories about snakes going into their house...very deadly poisonous snakes! Theyre very funny,caring,nice,energetic people that everyone should be able to meet!

Cicada bug

First full day in noh bo

I student taught today and it was fun! Helped a bunch of the seniors with computers and i taught all the games! It was a fun and tiring day! And i got new pants yesturday! Theres way too many spiders here though and im always muddy!! 2 nights left until we go to mae sot for another night then fly to the resort in phuket!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Noh bo

Just about to take the 2 hr drive to noh bo! We have to sit in the bed of the pickup so when it rains (which it will) our stuff wont get wet!
I wrote this yesturday~~
I found out its a good thing if youre fat here, they say " aww look at you youre fat" cause it means that i eat well!